ML and Big Data Platforms
Delivering world class infrastructure, consultancy and tooling for production grade machine learning and data science systems
Behind every machine learning and data analytics system there is a vast amount of data. Capability to efficiently collect, classify and transform data is a game changer in machine learning and data science space. As a consultancy we can asses your requirements, discuss proposals, prototype and deliver production grade solutions for machine learning and analytics platforms.
Collected data has potential to provide extremely insightful view into business operations, customers’ behaviour, performance and give early warnings to anomalies. With right set of tooling, architecture and infrastructure you can turn that potential into reality. We can design and build scalable environments where streams of data is transformed into insights, events and calls to action. We will assess needs of your data science team and advise on most cost effective way of building machine learning models and lowering deployment times of those.
Move machine learning processing and computation next to its source and stream generated events to cloud platform. You can optimise your infrastructure’s computational resources, bandwidth cost and project feasibility by offloading processing to the edge and pushing events to the cloud. Applications can vary from in-store customer behaviour analytics, threat detection, to advanced industrial IoT sensors and transportation systems.